Friday, May 30, 2008

Unitarian Universalist Military social network?

While listening to NPR a few weeks ago I heard about where people can create their own social network (think Myspace or Facebook but on a smaller scale). I thought how cool it would be to start a UU Military network. I would start it myself but I'm about to rotate back to sea duty and it's a new construction ship so I really won't have the time to manage a site. Is anyone interested? I was thinking that a "social network" might get some more hits especially among the younger members.

1 comment:

David Pyle said...


We are working on something similar with a UU website. Sorry to be so secretive, but there are some confidential negogiations involved. If it works out, it will be a major step forward for us, and allow us the ability to build some real community among military-affiliated UU's.

We have some meetings on this at General Assembly at the end of June, and I should be able to report something soon thereafter...

Good luck on sea duty!

Yours in Faith,
