Saturday, October 29, 2005

New Links

Check out the new links sidebar, "UU Congregations with Military Members." Want to see your congregation listed? Just e-mail me.

Big thanks to our newest blogger, David Pyle, for this excellent suggestion.


Joseph Santos-Lyons said...

thanks for doing this you guys and gals. i'd like to pursue a conversation about military and young adult ministry with you, i've been meaning to follow up with King George's War blogger...

David Pyle said...


I think that is a wonderful idea. I too would love to see military outreach more connected with young adult ministries, specifically with the Church of the Younger Fellowship.

Though we are going to try hard, it is going to be awhile before we have UU Military Chaplains in the numbers we should have them. And so, connecting Religious Liberal military members, families, and spouses (especially overseas) with the CLF/CYF is going to have to be an essential part of any effort to promote Unitarian Universalist Military Ministries.

We are in the early stages of such work, and so we will want your input!

Yours in Faith,

David Pyle
Galveston Island, TX