Tuesday, February 06, 2007

UU Military Ministries Gear!

Hello everyone!

I have been intending to do this for awhile, and this morning I had a choice...either read William Ellery Channing's "Unitarian Christianity" for class tomorrow (I'll do it tonight) or actually do a project that is kinda fun for me...

So, I opted for the "fun" project this morning. Now, fun is a relative term... But you will see what I mean.

Eric David Carlson, a fellow student here at the Meadville Lombard Theological School, created a logo for the UU Military Ministries awhile back, on the promise that one day I would send him a coffee cup with that logo on it. Lou Portella sent me the wondeful logo that the UUniforms project in Norfolk VA had created... and I decided the time was right to make some UU Military Ministries Gear available!

Here is the link: http://www.cafepress.com/uumm

Now, it is done through CafePress, and so I could have added a markup on the gear... but no... not yet, anway. We may in the future do so to help fund some UUMM projects and the like, but for right now, all of this is as low in price as I can make it.

So, check it out and show up on Sunday morning for Coffee Hour with a UU Military coffee cup, or wear a UU Miliary baseball cap at General Assembly!

Oh, and Eric... I will get the coffee cup sent to you soon, I promise! As soon as mine gets here!

Yours in Faith,

David Pyle
2LT, USAR Chaplaincy Candidate
Student, Meadville Lombard Theological School


Jamie Goodwin said...

How cool is that! I got mine on the way!

David Pyle said...

Thank you Jamie for ordering.

I noticed a few other people have as well. Anything that gets the idea out there in our congregations that you can be a UU and affiliated with the military, and the reverse true for within the military is to me a wonderful thing.


Dave Emmert said...

Wow, this is a great idea. I like having some means of stating that I'm both a UU-er and a soldier without storming the pulpit (yes, it has occurred to me).

David Emmert

Randy Balano said...

This is great! I will be placing an order tonight, as soon as find out what my husband wants (he is a former Commander, USN). Thanks to Eric for his great design, and thanks to David for making these items available.

UU Louie said...


That logo looks somewhat familiar!
Thanks again Dave for the honors...I'm not worthy!


Anonymous said...

I bought a sweatshirt for my honey!